"We will not restore this nation with public policy alone. It will require public virtue and that emanates from the traditional institutions of family and religion. ... To those who say that marriage doesn't matter, I say: You would not be able to print enough money in 1,000 years to pay for the government you would need if the traditional family continues to collapse."—Republican Congressional Representative from Indiana and Professional Embarrassment to Progressive Hoosiers Mike Pence, on why preventing marriage equality is as important (more important?) than fixing the economy.
I live in Indiana, in the shadow of a decimated steel industry where the most popular occupation of my friends' fathers growing up was "laid off" and where you're greeted at the local unemployment office by a man who tells you if you're not a nurse or truck driver, you're probably going to have a hard time finding work.
The only people who give a fuck about preventing legal same-sex marriage around here are straight bigots so rich they've got nothing else to worry about or so poor they've got nothing of which to be proud in our fucked-up consumerist culture besides their unearned and undeserved hetero privilege.
Everyone else is talking about the crumbling goddamn roads.
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