"Comedy and joking about our differences breaks tension and brings us together. ... Drawing dividing lines over what we can and cannot joke about does exactly that; it divides us. Most importantly, where does it stop."—Social justice crusader and professional dudebro Vince Vaughn, defending his right to make gay jokes. Because, you know, of their important unifying quality.
And he's right, obviously. I mean, where does it stop? First a guy can't use "gay" as a hilarious pejorative, and, next thing you know, women will start thinking that maybe they ought to object to "bitch" being used 9,000 times in every comedy vehicle for aging man-children.
Specifically, Vaughn is referring to Universal's decision to pull the trailer for The Dilemma, in which his character refers to electric cars as "gay," after people who aren't the Most Humorless Feminist in all of Nofunnington (i.e. Anderson Cooper) complained about it.
Don't worry, though—it's still in the movie!
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