[Trigger warning for violence.]
The story is here, with video, which is extremely difficult to watch. Briefly, a woman with MoveOn.org showed up at the Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate in Lexington, Kentucky last night, intending to present Paul with an "employee of the month award" from Republicorp...a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is the merger of the GOP and business interests controlling political speech." Paul's supporters grabbed her, ripped the wig from her head, threw her to the ground, and held her down while one man stomped on her head as it laid against the curb.
I am beyond enraged after watching the video.
This is the inevitable result of a political movement that constantly engages in violent rhetoric (and there are a lot more links where those came from), whose elected officials feel comfortable speaking casually about the violent overthrow of the government. This shit doesn't happen in a void.
The intellectual leaders (I use the term advisedly) of the Tea Party movement cannot continue to rely on the language of violence and simultaneously assert they are not a violent movement, distancing themselves from demonstrations of violence among their membership, claiming those incidents to be aberrations.
Violence begets violence. Enough.
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