Scenes from Shakes Manor

Deeky came to visit this weekend, and we had a wonderful weekend of doing absolutely fuck-all. With the exception of excursions to the dog park and a local restaurant for tasty burritos, we basically just sat around being giant lumps of laziness, and had a great time doing it.

Deeks plays Limbo, with Matilda's assistance. She's very helpful.

Meanwhile, Olivia and Potter have a stand-off in the hall. [Photo by Deeks.]

Iain and Dudz play tag at the dog park.

All tuckered out and ready to pose with Uncle Deeks, who scowls
at his own assholery for not packing any long trousers, lol.

Two very serious businessmen play a very serious game of Halo.

Time for a movie. More helpfulness from Tils.

KBlogz and Iain during Saturday Night Live. Too much beer, not enough caffeine!
Also: Not enough jokes.

Sophie being ridiculously cute, as usual.


And, like the designated photographer in every family, there are no pictures of me, because no one took any, lol. So here's a picture of Deeks and me from last year instead:

The End!

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