Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Deeky [texts below picture]: Gummi worm!

Liss: I ain't eatin' anything that's been in your butt.

Deeky: That hasn't been in my butt!

Liss: I just assume everything in your house has been in your butt.

Deeky: LOL!

Liss: Frankly, I assume everything in MY house has been in your butt.

Deeky: Used the remote control lately?

Liss: Yes, but it's still safely entombed in the hazmat material in which I encased it after you left.

Deeky: LOL for real.

Liss: Know who's cute? Patrick Wilson.

Deeky: The Mormon from Angels in America?

Liss: He's in that new garbage film with Indiana Jones and Annie Hall.

Deeky: That movie looks like it should be up my butt.

Liss: That movie looks like it originated in your butt.

Deeky: LOL! P.S. Why do you hate pubic hair?

Liss: I only like gingepubes! The end!

Deeky: LOL! I'm gonna send you gingepubes from my taint.

Liss: LOL! I should make that the Quote of the Day, just to show what a twisted fuckbrain you are!

Deeky: LOL! YEAH!

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