GOP Candidate States Black Men Prefer Drugs to EducationReynolds lost, but I just don't know what to say about Republicans anymore. Many of them become angry when you point out that racism and protecting privilege seem to be HUGE parts of the party platform, but what do they do to counter stuff like this?
At a recent political debate in Champaign, Illinois, sponsored by the NAACP and the League of Women Voters, candidates for the state Senate were asked for their ideas on how to increase black enrollments at the University of Illinois. GOP candidate Al Reynolds of Danville stated, "Minority women are motivated more so than the minority men. The minority men find it more lucrative to be able to do drugs than to do education. It's easier."
And the absolute refusal to recognize and acknowledge structural factors that influence who gets educated, to pretend it's all about individual choices? Yeah, I'd like to bathe in that cluelessness one day. Maybe I wouldn't be so stressed.
I want to write a letter that includes a line that says, "Just FYI, not all or even most men of color are drug dealers. Try again."
And if y'all love me, somebody come get me!
Texas Considers Medicaid WithdrawalAnd these are the people who imagine themselves at the forefront of "protecting life."
Some Republican lawmakers — still reveling in Tuesday’s statewide election sweep — are proposing an unprecedented solution to the state’s estimated $25 billion budget shortfall: dropping out of the federal Medicaid program.
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Reynolds lost, but I just don't know what to say about Republicans anymore. Many of them become angry when you point out that racism and protecting privilege seem to be HUGE parts of the party platform, but what do they do to counter stuff like this? blog comments powered by Disqus