Colin Powell Joins the "Let's Not Rush Equality" Contingent

Colin Powell was on Larry King Live last night, to play concern troll about rushing into equality by repealing DADT: "I share Senator McCain's view that we ought to let the process unfold and not try to intercept it with court rulings or with people trying to get a vote out of the Congress when the Congress is not ready to vote on it."

I can't wait to see what happens when that can is kicked to the end of the road.

This dog and pony show to delay the inevitable is truly disgraceful. It's not only completely dishonest, but I am sick to the fucking teeth of the overt US exceptionalism embedded within this argument. Other nation's militaries have integrated openly gay/bi servicemembers for years without "undermining military readiness," or any other catastrophic problems.

But our military is so super special that we can't just trust their example! I mean, acting as if someone else could teach us something?! Hell no! That's downright un-American!


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