Daily Dose o' Cute

[Also at Daily Motion here.]

Video Description: Clips of all four furry residents of Shakes Manor being super cute and cuddly, set to Ronan Keating's version of "When You Say Nothing at All." Highlights include Sophie leaping up onto a chair to greet me as I walk into the office (0:15), which she does all the time and is sooooooo cute, and Dudz sticking his nose into the crevice of my arm (2:30), which he loves to do, as well as give me a muzzle-nuzzle in the hollow where my shoulder meets my neck.

As always, still pix of all below the fold (on most browsers)...

"What're you guys doin' over there?!"

"Scratches, please."

Redonkulously cute.

Ready to rock and roll.

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