What has someone wrongly assumed about you because you are a man? (Or because they first wrongly assumed that you are a man.)
Did your dad just assume you would be interested in sports? Did your mom just assume you wouldn't want to wear her wedding dress? Did a girlfriend just assume you love beer? Did a teacher just assume you were good at math? Did a friend just assume you were gay because you didn't objectify women as a pastime? Did a boss just assume you weren't gay, and told you to bring your girlfriend to the office holiday party...?
Have you been assumed to like NASCAR, hate musicals, be disinterested in grooming products, like hunting, hate shopping, be unwilling to do household chores, prefer singlehood to partnerhood, resent monogamy, eschew affection with other men, not like vegetables, be attracted to women, not be scared of spiders, not want female friends, not be feminist, not want children...?
What are the stereotypes of manhood/masculinity that have been erroneously attributed to you?
[This thread is for anyone who identifies as a man, as male/masculine/butch, or as female or androgyne but has a relevant story by virtue of having been read as male. The equivalent thread for female stories is here.]
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