What has someone wrongly assumed about you because you are a woman? (Or because they first wrongly assumed that you are a woman.)
Did your dad just assume you wouldn't be interested in sports? Did your mom just assume you wanted to be in a beauty pageant? Did a boyfriend just assume you love heart-shaped jewelry? Did a teacher just assume you were bad at math? Did a friend just assume you want a huge wedding with the white dress and towering cake? Did a boss just assume you were going to get married and have babies, so you didn't really want or need that promotion...?
Have you been assumed to like pink, enjoy musicals, love haircare products, get manicures, enjoy shopping, love shoes, be a good cook, be willing to do all the housework, laugh at other women, not eat, be attracted to men, be scared of spiders, not be ambitious, defer to men, want children...?
What are the stereotypes of womanhood/femininity that have been erroneously attributed to you?
[This thread is for anyone who identifies as a woman, as female/feminine/femme, or as male or androgyne but has a relevant story by virtue of having been read as female. The equivalent thread for male stories is here.]
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