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Recommended Reading:
Tami has a great post, "In Support of Feminist Bloggers," which I highly recommend for her commentary as well as the list of "kick-ass" feminist and anti-racism blogs she likes (on which I am hugely flattered to find Shakesville included). If you're looking for new reading material, check out that list. So much good stuff.
Tigtog: The Pope and Condoms—Don't Get Too Excited
Andy: Southern Poverty Law Center Updates List of Anti-Gay Hate Groups, Adding AFA, FRC, Others...
Adrienne: Navajo Potatoes: Not What I Was Expecting
Lesley: Bears Still Shit in the Woods... [TW for discussions of weight and eating]
Cuppycake: Facebook Games and Privilege
Aunt B: My Dog Turns Back to Smile at Me
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