The Next 60 Days (*Give or Take)

Given the political make-up of the coming 112th Congress (which will convene on Jan. 3, 2011), I have a suggestion for you Democratic members of the Disablist-Slur-Involving-Poultry Session of the 111th Congress:

Make Sweeping Campaign Finance Reform Job One!!!!!eleventy-one!!!!

Personally, I'd prefer the following (for a start):
  1. All television, radio, and print ads must disclose the name(s) of the purchaser(s) and the creator(s), and any purchasing group(s) must disclose all sources of funding publicly at or before the time of airing. Period. No full disclosure -- no air-time/print-space.
  2. Any single corporation and all of its subsidiaries are limited to contributing the same amount as an individual is allowed to contribute to a candidate, political party, or organization which involves itself in a political campaign. After all -- if corporations are treated as individuals legally, they should be treated as individuals.
  3. The limit on individual contribution to a campaign also applies to the candidate themselves (h/t to Lassarina in comments).
  4. Campaigning is limited to 30 days before the election (h/t to 'Liss in comments).
I'd like to further suggest that you use every possible procedural gimmick available to push campaign-finance reform through both houses before Jan. 3, 2011. Try thinking "WWJD?" (What Would JohnBoehner Do?)

That Is All.

*Note: Yes, I'm aware that there are four federal holidays within the stated 60-day period, and that Congress doesn't work every Maudedamn day (even though, given the circumstances, you'd think they might consider it).

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