On Last Night's The Fashion Show

Did anyone else happen to catch last night's episode of The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection? Because it may well have been the most absurd contest in all of reality TVdom. It was more ridiculous than the Lucent Dossier emo clown boners episode of Top Chef: Just Desserts. Nothing could be worse, right?

It hardly seemed a possiblity. Until they revealed what the designers were supposed to use as inspiration for this challenge:

The human body. That sort of sounds nice. Except they meant the inside of the human body. Hence the trip to ogle plastinated corpses at Bodies... The Exhibition.

I've seen some ridiculous shit on TV, but come on. Evening wear influenced by the graceful curves of the spleen? The lower GI tract pant? A gall bladder-kini? Do, shut up, The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection.

Oh, and the winner? This piece, an apparent homage to the foreskin:


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