We've done this one before, but not for a long time...
What have you done that your family will absolutely NOT let you live down?
There are dozens of these I could mention, but the first one that came to mind is when we were watching the news one night (I was about 14) and some guy was broadcasting a sports story from the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion. It was abbreviated as "UIC Pavilion" under his headshot, and—thinking it was his name, rather than his location—I misread it as "Vic Pavilion."
"What an odd name—Vic Pavilion… Wait, no. That's a U. How would you say that? Yoo-ick Pavilion?"
My parents must have laughed at me for ten million years. And the UIC Pavilion has forever been known at Parental Manor as the Yoo-ick Pavilion.
It's also, of course, still the easiest way to imply that I'm being a dildobrain about something twenty-plus years hence. If I get a name wrong: "I wonder if he knows Yoo-ick Pavilion?" If I get a location wrong: "I wonder if that's anywhere near the Yoo-ick Pavilion?" Sigh.
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