"It's like the more equal we can get through creative ways, we're going to do it. It's just important to do anything we can to find creative ways around inequality."—Mark Reed, "a board member for the national LGBT direct action group GetEQUAL [who] recently married his longtime partner, Dante Walkup, at the W Dallas Victory hotel [in Dallas, Texas]. Their 'Skype' wedding was officiated via teleconference from Washington, D.C., where same-sex marriage is legal, and they received their license in the mail a short time later. It's called 'e-marriage,' and it's a sort of high-tech version of the proxy wedding traditionally held when one of the parties can't be physically present—because, for example, they're in the military stationed overseas."
This is why anti-equality dinosaurs should just give up now. They don't have a hope of out-creativing progress.
Congratulations to Mr. Reed and Mr. Walkup!
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