As seen on a few minutes ago:
[A screen capture from In the middle there's a picture of an airport security checkpoint, under which, I shit you not, is the headline "It's not all grab-and-scan at airports." Then CNN reports for the benefit of the TSA: "Despite all the hoopla over security measures at airports, the Transportation Security Administration estimates that less than 3 percent of air travelers will receive enhanced pat-downs." Again, I shit you not.]
Four quick points, not even touching the actual story:
1) CNN, you still bite.
2) Yay for corporations doing the bidding of the police state, or vice-versa.
3) "Grab-and-scan"?!?! I guess "It's not all sexual assault at the airport" wasn't as edgy.
4) "Less than 3 percent" of travelers are being sexually assaulted via "enhanced pat-down" on any given trip to the airport? That's not reassuring, that's horrifying, particularly given the extremely high percentage of travelers that have to show naked pictures of themselves when they fly.
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