Of course, that's a dishonest headline from our dishonest media (CNN, in this case). It's not "Iowa voters" who ousted the justices, which disappears all the progressives, including the very people whose marriage equality was granted by the justices, who voted to retain them. It's "Homophobic Iowa voters." Or "Anti-Gay Iowa voters." Or "Anti-Equality Iowa voters." Or any variation on that theme which doesn't seek to turn bigots, whose bigotry was fueled by a
This is how it works. Privileged people are normalized, and non-privileged people (and their allies) are marginalized.
By the simple exclusion of an adjective. Over and over.
No one even bothers to question it. And then we wonder why the Protectors of Privilege keep getting voted in to run the nation, despite their overt antipathy for so many of its people.
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