Actual Headline: Calling All Men! 10 Gifts Your Lady Secretly Wants.
Actual Sub-head: "Buying a gift for your wife or girlfriend doesn't have to be stressful. Here are ten ideas."
Actual Lede: "OK, so that gift card you got her last year was great because she got to pick out whatever she wanted, but here's a hint: Picking out an actual gift for her will win you more points. Sound daunting? Never fear, YourTango is here! We've got some ideas that'll please even the pickiest lady but won't make your wallet cower in fear."
I love the idea that if I don't swoon for a fucking curling rod, then I'm even worse than "even the pickiest lady." Yow.
With sites like Etsy and eBay and Amazon and pretty much everywhere else now offering a "Wish List" or "Favorites" feature, gift-buying does not have to be a mystery. If Iain hasn't managed to glean something I want using the Ladies' Ancient and Mysterious Gift-Discerning Technique I taught him (listening and paying attention), he peeks at my favorites on Etsy or wherever for inspiration or buys something straight from the list. Magic!
And it has nothing to do with trying to figure out what "women" want, and everything to do with knowing what Liss wants. Imagine that.
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