Daily Dose o' Cute

Dudley's First Snow

Video Description: Dudley experiences snow for the first time, looking around curiously and then spending part of his walk with me sniffing in footprints making sure the grass is still under there! Also footage of Iain and Dudley coming back from a walk. When Dudz is cold, he gets totes frisky and playful, and I've discovered his favorite cold weather activity is running around me in mad circles, partly to get warm and partly because OMG IT'S SO FUN!!! (Yes, he has a winter coat, care of Aunt RedSonja and Uncle KarateMoney, but will not do any poop business whilst wearing it.) Iain and I comment on how cold and cute he is, and Iain tells me that Dudley got excited as soon as he saw me. Dudley tries to "shake off the cold," while Iain knocks the snow off his shoes.

Olivia, lapsitting.

Dudley, couchnapping.

Matilda, copycatting.

Sophie, pianoperching.

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