I am really enjoying the opportunity to read this and related threads and further examine my thin privilege, and I was wondering if there might at some point be a "disability limitations" thread, not a thread about the actual disabilities but about how ableism limits what people with disabilities can "get away with". I know I can think of a bunch of social and professional behaviors I can't get away with having severe adult ADHD, and I'd love to share with/support other Shakers with similar experiences and examine my able-bodied privilege as well.So, here is that thread!
One of the things I can't "get away with" is having my PTSD demonstrably triggered. Being a woman, and a feminist woman, and a fat feminist woman, and a fat feminist woman who is a trauma survivor, I have multiple identities that already pique "TOO SENSITIVE!" silencing if I express offense or contempt of certain narratives, images, stereotypes, etc. Adding to that an observable physical response makes me axiomatically discreditable as a serious, rational person in most situations.
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