Have I ever mentioned that I hate Dr. Drew Pinsky…? Maybe once or twice. Anyway…
A new season of the truly loathsome Celebrity Rehab just started, and it was literally an instantaneous clusterfuck. In the first episode, Janice Dickinson was sexually harassed/groped by another patient, Jason Davis, and, as is typical of Celebrity Rehab, the perpetrator was not asked to leave.
And then there was world class fat-hater Dr. Drew, during Davis' intake session, effectively saying that it's better to be a heroin addict than to be fat (start at 1:04):
Pinsky: Jason, sir. How you feeling?There isn't enough NOPE in the world for this asshole.
Davis: Good.
Pinsky: Good, okay. So, Jason—you're diabetic, is that right?
Davis: Type 2.
Pinsky: Type 2. Have you lost some weight?
Davis: Hundred and fifty pounds.
Pinsky: You've lost a hundred and fifty pounds?! Good for you! How'd you lose the weight?
Davis: Heroin.
Pinsky: Heroin. [with a wry grin] I'm not so sure I'd recommend it, but I'm glad you lost the weight. [chuckles]
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