Springfield, IL — Landmark civil unions legislation, giving committed long-term partners important legal protections afforded to other Illinois families, has cleared another hurdle as the Illinois Senate voted Wednesday to pass the bill.The legislation will probably be signed in the city of Chicago before the end of the year. I was watching the local news this morning and there's been a lot of spluttering from "family" organizations, but for the most part, the reaction has been very positive. Yay.
"There is electricity all around," The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) president Jacob Meister told ChicagoPride.com moments after the vote. "Today is a victory for our democracy and the fight for the civil rights of the LGBT community."
The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (SB 1716) passed to cheers in the Senate by a 32-24-1 vote Wednesday. The bill passed the Illinois House by a 61-52 majority vote on Tuesday. (read full coverage of the House vote) The crucial piece of legislation now moves to Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, who made a campaign promise to sign it into law.
What distinguishes this civil unions bill from others is that it adds visitation rights at hospitals and making end-of-life decisions to the couple.
And, of course:
State Sen. and Rev. James Meeks (D-Chicago), who is running for Chicago Mayor, was the only Democrat to cross party lines to vote against the bill. State Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) is the only senator who voted present.I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you!
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