"Happy Solstice/Christmas/2010-Is-Almost-Freaking-Over-Finally!" They Said

Yesterday, a package arrived at my door.

I went to the door, and I dragged in the box, and I sat on my couch in front of it, and I cried, overwhelmed with joy and gratitude and surprise and relief and a rush of affection for my friends and colleagues—Scott Madin, Spudsy, Deeky, Misty, Portly Dyke, Space Cowboy, Eastsidekate, SKM, CaitieCat, Elle, and Mustang Bobby—who had bought me a new computer after my old one imploded.

Deeky, knowing me well, texted to tell me I had to accept it. "Happy Festivus!" came the message from Misty. She, I would find out, like several others, had been tracking the package all day, eagerly awaiting its arrival. Spudsy called, and then Space Cowboy. I thanked them, and everyone else, for the lovely gift, in the typically awkward manner of someone who isn't certain they deserve such kindness and generosity, and they forgave my awkwardness yet again, as they are kind to do on a regular basis.

Naturally, it is, by extension, a gift to Shakesville, too—and I hope you will thank them as well.

It is a gift for community, because of community, and of community. It is a teaspoon, and it is tangible evidence that, despite what cynics may say, what happens on this series of tubes we call the internets can be real and valuable and wonderful.

To Scott, who conceived the plan, and to Spudsy, Deeks, Misty, Portly, Space Cowboy, Kate, SKM, Cait, Elle, and Mustang Bobby, who helped him realize it, once again: Thank you so, so much. You are truly the family that everyone should be lucky enough to have.

P.S. The cats also say thank you for the new box.

[Video Description: Footage of Matilda, Olivia, and Sophie investigating, rubbing, hopping on and off and into and out of the box in which the CPU arrived.]

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