Madwoman At Play Call-In Show

Hey there, Shakers -- Tonight (12/24/10) at 5 pm Pacific, I'm doing my first-ever live call-in show at my tri-weekly Ustream offering, Madwoman At Play. If you're wondering what to do with yourself tonight, tune in at or my ustream channel.

(A note re: transcription/captioning for MWaP -- I've been trying for the last six months to figure out how to easefully close-caption or transcribe these shows without success -- despite hours of training attempts, Dragon Naturally Speaking seems to hate my vocalizations, and the task of hand-transcribing 90 minutes of shows/week is beyond my typing skills and time-constraints right now. If anyone has a suggestion or tech-fu to help me make this happen, please leave them in comments! Until I get this problem licked, my apologies to those who can't access the show.)

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