[Trigger warning for racism]
Happy Thursday!
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has ordered the release of Jamie and Gladys Scott, who [TW] have served 16 years for supposedly robbing a man of $11.
Jamie Scott has developed end stage renal failure. In addition to granting both sisters their freedom, this action will allow Gladys Scott to donate a kidney to her sister.
Barbour decided to suspend the sentence, stating "the Mississippi Department of Corrections believes the sisters no longer pose a threat to society." [Emphasis mine]
I suppose coming from [TW] this guy, that's pretty close to a love letter.
Judging from the press release, I'm willing to bet that community pressure was the reason Barbour granted the Scott Sisters their freedom.
I wish Jamie and Gladys well, and send my wishes for good health.
[H/t: Shaker Tabitha Rose]
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