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Recommended Reading:
Tami: Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa Cake and the Problem with Being Inclusive
For those who don't know much about Kwanzaa, but are interested in learning, I encourage you to visit Renee, who's got a good primer and links to further resources here. (Please note that is an encouragement toward listening and self-education, not a recommendation you go to Renee's space and demand that she personally educate you.)
Autumn: On Transgender Servicemembers and DADT; On Community Activism Ahead
Steve: DC Cardinal Says Catholic Church Won't Evaluate DADT
adurhamtamu: Do we need a body count to count?: Notes on the serial murders of Black women. [TW for violence, dehumanization, and racism]
Brad: New Science Committee Chair Ralph Hall Praises 'Tremendous' BP Spill
Echidne: On Ballerinas and Football Players
Fannie: Lady Director Thingy
rho: AaAaAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Feelings [TW for sexual assault]
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