News from Shakes Manor

Saturday night. The living room. Dinnertime. Present are: Liss, Iain, Misty, Kenny Blogginz, Red Sonja, and Karate Monkey. We are having a conversation about the Sheen family.

Liss: Hey, remember when Emilio Estevez was married to Paula Abdul? Good times!

Everyone Else: No. What? When the fuck was that? Fucking lint trap! [And other variations on this theme. Everyone is laughing, and rightfully so.]

Iain: Emilio Estevez and Paula Abdul don't even remember that.

KBlogz: No one remembers that!

Liss: I do! I celebrate their anniversary every year. [Makes this face.]

Everyone Else: LOL!

These two people were totes married in the 90s.

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