Oh, Anti-Choicers, How You Never Change

So, MTV has this show called "16 and Pregnant," which features teenage girls who are pregnant and carrying the pregnancy to term, most of whom also go on to parent the children themselves once they're born. Across several seasons, rarely has abortion even been discussed, and only two girls (that I know of) have chosen adoption, one of whom surrendered the baby to her aunt and uncle. The show has spawned a spin-off series, "Teen Mom," which has had two seasons, and a "Teen Mom 2," featuring new teen mothers originally featured on "16 and Pregnant" is set to begin after the new year.

The shows are all about Having Babies.

A young mother featured on the most recent season of "16 and Pregnant" is now the star of a follow-up stand-alone feature called "No Easy Decisions," in which she terminates a second pregnancy. Naturally, because one show about an abortion exists in association with seasons upon seasons of footage of young women carrying pregnancies to term, giving birth, and raising their babies, anti-choicers are OUTRAGED about how MTV is "promoting abortion."
Markai Durham, who was first seen last month on "16 and Pregnant," discovers she is expecting again and must decide whether to have the baby.

Her decision to terminate the pregnancy is the centerpiece of "No Easy Decision" and has pro-lifers up in arms.

The show is so unusual, MTV scheduled it to air at 11:30 p.m. -- well past the bedtimes of the network's youngest fans.

MTV did not make the show available to the media before it airs and has forbidden Markai to give interviews about the subject.
So not only is this a single incident of a pregnant teenager choosing abortion among seasons of teenagers not choosing to terminate, but MTV is airing the show as a separate episode, broadcasting it at a later time, and generally treating abortion like a fucking scandal, yet still this is somehow "promoting abortion."
In recent months, MTV has promised to tackle "all sides" of the hot-button teen pregnancy issue.

But pro-life blogger Jill Stanek says she expects a one-sided portrayal.

"This apparently means the pro-life perspective will simply get tackled," she writes.
Just LOL. Yeah, birthing babies has really been buried beneath the weight of MTV's unwavering support of abortion. Yeesh.

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