Behold an advert for the upcoming CW television series "Shedding for the Wedding," in which couples compete to lose weight for their nuptials. Hosted by recent loser-of-weight actress Sara Rue.
Voiceover (over images of couples competing in physical challenges like racing while carrying wedding cakes): Wednesday, February 23rd, from the executive producer of "The Biggest Loser"...It's when she announces her weight loss and holds up her ring. UGH. Love belongs to thin people! Gross.
Cut to Rue being interviewed: "Shedding for the Wedding" is about couples trying to get in shape for their fantasy dream wedding.
Cut to female contestant getting fitted for wedding gown: I feel really nice!
Cut back to Rue: I know what these contestants are gonna go through. I lost 50 pounds and (holds up hand to reveal diamond engagement ring) I'm engaged!
Cut to couple in matching costumes looking at each other. Him: Love you. Her: I love you.
Cut back to Rue: I can only imagine what a bond these couples are gonna have.
Voiceover (over graphic of scale with one pink footprint and one blue footprint, which morphs into wedding cake): "Shedding for the Wedding." Wednesday, February 23rd, on the CW.
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