[Trigger warning for fat hatred and diet talk.]
Actual Headline: Is the Economy Making You Fat?
Actual Image Accompanying Story: A fat naked white woman, with her back to the camera, rendering her a faceless fatty if not a headless one. The embedded description of the image is "obese fat woman nude." (If you don't want to click through to Time to see the image, it is also viewable here.)
Actual Photo Caption: Lose your job, pick up a snack.
Actual Fact Missing from the Story: In large swaths of the US, it is more difficult to eat healthfully when one is unemployed, because it is more expensive. See: Salad vs. Big Mac.
It's really pathetic that in the year two thousand and bieber that a publication like Time still cannot put out an article on the subject of the relationship between fresh foods and economic privilege without actually mentioning that fresh foods are an economic privilege, no less without posting a (beautiful) picture of a fat woman's body like it's some kind of hideous warning sign.
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