NEW YORK (AP) — Christine O'Donnell has lost an election, but gained a book deal.The most valuable thing Christine O'Donnell could write—a feminist piece about being the target of a literal witch-hunt in the year 2010—is the last thing she'd actually write. It's just going to be a bunch more Tea Party nonsense, intended to show the supposed power of the Tea Party.
The Delaware Republican and Tea Party favorite, defeated in last month's voting for the U.S. Senate, will offer her take on the campaign and her "frustrations" with the political process, St. Martin's Press announced Thursday.
St. Martin's Press is just hoping to capitalize on the fact that Tea Partiers are bound to buy something as unremarkable (and otherwise ignorable) just to show that the Tea Party can rank high in book sales. Which is a reason to publish a book, but I'm not sure it's a very good one.
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