#dearjohn: No On 3

[Trigger warning for sexual violence, rape apologia, victim auditing.]

On Friday, I wrote about the GOP's latest effort to simultaneously chip away at Roe and, in the process, redefine what constitutes rape. The potential effects of this legislation, H.R.3, are far-reaching. One of the most devastating consequences would be effectively codifying the Hyde Amendment into law. Right now, Congress votes every year to renew the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortion, with exceptions for rape and incest, which means that getting rid of it is as simple as Congress not renewing it. Passing legislation to make it permanent and expanding it, as H.R.3 would do, would be much more difficult to unwind.

Speaker John Boehner has indicated he will make passing this legislation a top priority of the new Congressional session.

So, it's time for teaspoons.

Write your representative and voice your objection to H.R.3.

Get involved in the Twitter campaign and make some noise: #DearJohn.

Tweet Speaker Boehner directly: @johnboehner.

Make noise on your blog, Tumblr, Facebook, etc.

Let's get busy.


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