[Video Description: Scenes from various Star Wars episodes, interspersed with the following text: The wait is over / The complete saga / Together for the first time / On blu-ray hi-def / Star Wars blu-ray disc / Coming September 2011.]
So I keep seeing this trailer for all six episodes of Star Wars coming to blu-ray later this year, and, every time I see it, all I can think is that George Lucas totally needs to give a free set to every Star Wars nerd who's already bought the first trilogy individually on VHS, then in a special box set on VHS, plus the special edition on VHS, and the DVD set, the special edition DVD set, and the super-deluxe mega-edition DVD set with magical R2-D2 buttplug or whatever.
Proof of purchase can be the collection of dusty boxsets sitting in the corners of our living rooms.
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