No. No it's not. Upstate, we get a fuckton of snow. In Syracuse, we've already got 1.8 biebers of snow (1.8 bbrz; 117 inches). Today it is snowing. Like it did yesterday. Like it will do tomorrow.
But in Minnesota, it's cold. Pretty much every winter, there's a day where it's just ridiculous. Today is a particularly good example; overnight lows in Southern Minnesota were typically between 15 and 30 below. Obviously, it was even colder up north.
Here's a video of some friends of a friend to illustrate the phenomenon:
Science! :jazzhands:
Transcript below
Off-screen: Rollin'
Narrator: So I've got a cup of boiling water. Hopefully you can see the steam there, and we are going outside in Northfield Minnesota in January where the temperature is approaching thirty below...
[Steps outside, the door creaks like its approaching thirty below out]
Narrator: ..and what I am going to show you is how at thirty below temperatures, boiling water can instantly vaporize into a cloud.
[Throws water into the air, and it instantly vaporizes into a fucking cloud.]
Narrator: And that's what we do for fun in Minnesota.
Off-screen: [Laughter]
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