Daily Dose of Cute

Alfie posing like Alfie posing in his portrait

For those who are unaware, the McEwans and Space Cowpokes are really good friends, though Liss is the only one who's a bowl of farts. We try to visit each other regularly, be it in Indiana or New Jersey. Between visits, we come up with alternate forms of hanging out (e.g., phone, Skype, Xbox live, naga raids, etc.). We even adopted greyhounds a few months apart, and as luck would have it Alfie and Dudley are actually fifth cousins!

Over the holidays, we were considering commissioning a portrait of Alfie to hang over the fireplace. While completely unaware of this, Liss & Iain decided to go ahead and commission an Alfie portrait as a holiday gift. Needless to say, we were pretty stunned at the coincidence, and got right to work on choosing a source picture that would work nicely. Below is the source picture, followed by the resulting portrait made by the commissioned artist.

It was only a matter of time before I would catch Alfie making the (almost) exact same pose under his own portrait!

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