Daily Dose of Cute

For a slight changeup today, I give you Dawn, beloved pack-member of my partner1, snuggled up on the shoulder of none other than Your Humble Narrator. I'm wearing a robe and a big towel on my head because I was just finishing up stripping my hair-colour down to the lightest (silver-grey and blonde), with an eye to tonight's encore: dying it bright blue. Pictures of that may follow shortly.

What's odd about this is that, despite my nick, I'm really not a cat person. Or rather, maybe because of my nick. I mean, the one thing cats hate most is usually other cats! :)

But Dawn has melted my icy wall of disdain for cats, at least enough for this little bag of bones to peek through. She's teeny because she's on anxiety meds, and she doesn't like to eat when she's on them, but when she's not on them, she's a balding bag of slightly-less-exposed bones, because she licks her own fur off, poor wee thing. The picture also fails to capture that she is purring on all cylinders (in and out!), as she always is when she gets near me. I fell for her because she's (when she's not on the anxiety meds) the chattiest kitty I ever heard: she has a vocabulary of about fifteen different noises she makes, and she strings them together like sentences you could understand if you only knew the language. Thus, I call her Squeaks, as she is a very squeaky little creature.

So yeah: extremely rare photo, of the CaitieCat with a four-legged type of kitteh. Note also similarity of Dawn to one of this space's more usual residents, the lovely and talented Sophie of Shakes Manor.

1 When I met her five years ago this coming summer, she had eight cats and two dogs, from her days as a frontline rescue volunteer. Since many were similar in age, and they are now all in their teens, they're beginning to go to their final rest; with one cat (the Maine coon) leaving to spend time with another food-monkey, she's down to five cats and one dog now.

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