On Tuesday, Deeks posted about a bill under consideration in South Dakota which would have effectively legalized the murder of abortion providers. The good news is that the bill has been shelved.
The bad news is that the New York Times has reported this news under the headline: South Dakota Shelves Bill Aimed at Defending Unborn.
Which is a pretty nice way of describing proposed state-sponsored terrorism against its own citizens.
If you think that's hyperbole, think again. From the poorly-headlined article:
Dr. Marvin Buehner, of Rapid City, S.D., who is the only doctor in the region to provide abortions for women whose health and safety are at risk, said he was shaken by the measure.I say again that the anti-choice movement, which includes a decades-long campaign of intimidation, harassment and violence directed at abortion providers and abortion seekers, is the most brazen, unapologetic terrorist campaign in America, its co-ordination and orchestration done right out in the open, where no one in the media or politics will call it what it is.
"Once you get the sense that the Legislature will tolerate violence against abortion providers, even if the legislation is not enacted, it crosses the line into intimidation," he said.
It is terrorism, in defense of an inherently violent ideology.
I refuse to mince words about this anymore.
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