Number of the Day

7.5%: The percentage by which, on an annual basis, full-time state and local employees are under-compensated in Indiana, in comparison with otherwise similar private-sector workers.
After his election in 2004, Governor Mitch Daniels rescinded the rights of highway police, hospital attendants, mechanics, and other state workers to collectively bargain for wage and hour increases, working conditions, and other benefits, eliminating the unionization rights and contracts of approximately 25,000 state employees. Governor Daniels is also promoting vouchers for private schools and reducing public school funding, which may result in teacher pay cuts and layoffs.
Daniels justified all of the above on the basis that Indiana state and local employees were overpaid.

This is what we have to look forward to if the Republican Party is craven enough to nominate Mitch Daniels as their '12 candidate and the nation is foolish enough to vote him into national office.

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