[Trigger warning for rape culture.]
One in six women and one in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes. That's an oft-cited statistic.
It is rarely further contextualized by the fact that many people will be sexually assaulted multiple times during their lives, leading many anti-rape advocates to suspect the actual statistic is even more grim.
Still, there are a lot of people, especially privileged men, who are not even active rape apologists, who greet that 1 in 6/33 statistic with suspicion.
Maybe not consciously. Perhaps their skepticism never forms into a solid thought, ready for contemplative scrutiny.
But the doubt, the denial—it's there.
Because if you agree that sexual assault is wrong, and if believe whole-heartedly that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men are being sexually assaulted in your society, you don't do nothing about it.
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