"Get real."—Republican Senator Dick Lugar, who's facing a primary challenge by the Tea Party, who believe he's not conservative enough.
Lugar is one of Indiana's two senators, and trust me when I say that he is certainly conservative enough, and should be even by Tea Party standards.
The thing about Lugar is that, despite being conservative, he is also rather reasonable and not a total jackass. Ergo, the Tea Partiers don't like him.
In fact, they don't like him for the very same reasons that I prefer him to most of his reprehensible colleagues. As long as I've got to be stuck with a Republican senator, Lugar's pretty much the cream of the crap crop.
One of the Tea Party's big complaints about him, for example, is that he supports treaties to reduce the number of nukes. CHRIST HE'S PRACTICALLY A HIPPIE!
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