I'm so glad Rick Santorum is back, because he is very smart and adds a lot of
thoughtful and fascinating ideas to the national discourse:
Rick Santorum launched into a scathing attack on the left, charging during an appearance in South Carolina [at Oakbrook Preparatory School, before more than 200 students, faculty, and community members] that the history of the Crusades has been corrupted by "the American left who hates Christendom."
"The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical," Santorum said in Spartanburg on Tuesday. "And that is what the perception is by the American left who hates Christendom."
He added, "They hate Western civilization at the core. That's the problem."
I guess he found our top secret website, thelefthateschristendomandwesterncivilization.geocities.fart. Now our secret is out. Shit. I just hope he doesn't find thelefthatesbabies.blogpoop.barf.
After asserting that Christianity had not shown any "aggression" to the Muslim world, the former Pennsylvania senator — who is considering a 2012 run for the White House — argued that American intervention in the Middle East helps promote "core American values."
"What I'm talking about is onward American soldiers," he said.
Brilliant. Let's make him president!
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