I'm giving a big THUMBS UP to my Sorel Women's Tivoli winter boots in valentine/white. (I actually got mine at Amazon, because I had an unused birthday gift certificate, but I usually get shoes through Shoes.com.)
I needed new boots at the beginning of this winter, because my old ones were falling apart (after a mere 18 years), and I did a lot of research before settling on these—and OMG I LOVE THEM. They are the best boots I've ever had, totally comfortable, totally keep my feet dry and warm even in the deep snow we've had, and totally cute to boot! (Pun intended.)
They're also very easy and quick to get on and off, which is a big deal for me, because the chronic pain that lives in my left side makes bending over really painful. And I've got to put them on and take them off several times every day.
The longest I've walked in them is probably half a mile, but, if the weather wasn't crap, I could easily and comfortably have walked a lot further in them.
So that's my review. Have at it in comments with your reviews, Shakers!
[Previously in Shaker Thumbs: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven.]
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