SnOMG, Part 2

Scenes from earlier today. We've had about three more inches since, and it's coming down hard again. Iain is out shoveling for the fourth time in 24 hours; I asked him if he'd rather be at work, and he just laughed and said indeed he would.

[this morning, over scenes of piles of snow] We officially have a fuckload of snow. In fact, it may be several fuckloads of snow. Um, all I can hear is the sound of people running their snowblowers in the distance, and sirens on a regular basis, 'cause I think there are probably a lot of car accidents right now. We've had about 10 inches of snow, and it's still coming down, so we will probably have some more.

[edit; later] Now it's coming down pretty hard again; here comes some more plows. It's really blustery, is the problem. Everything's getting blown around on top of there being more snow.

[edit; later] There's our neighbor, out snowblowing. Iain shoveled our whole driveway, uh, by hand with a shovel, because we don't have a snowblower! [laughs] And his back hurts, and I'm gonna give him a backrub later, because that's the least I can do since he did all the shoveling. Snowmageddon. Snowmygod.

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