UR liberul media? Is very much not so.

[Trigger warning for hostility to agency]

Yesterday, my family went down to the local Federal office building to protest the proposed elimination of Title X funding. I'm not very good with counting, but I'm guessing there were between 100-200 of us "Standing With Planned Parenthood." It was as fun as such events tend to be. Our daughter finally got to use my whistle outdoors (which, if she's reading, I'll remind her is the appropriate place for such antics).

There were also around 10 counter-protesters. BTW, my (not)favorite sign: "Men Regret Lost Fatherhood" Indeed! Reproductive health care: What about the menz!

The media was also present. Here's my synopsis of their coverage:

Time Warner Cable News: "Debate for funding over Planned Parenthood." Here's a quote from some lady (whom 15 seconds and access to Google tells me is the Director of Community Affairs and Public Policy at the local Planned Parenthood, and honestly, it would've been 10 seconds if I could type today). Now here's five paragraphs about our Congresswoman, and a reminder that there's an election in two years. Oh yay! A horse race! I wonder who will win!

CNYCentral (The CBS, NBC, and CW news outlet-- thanks FCC!): "Rallies for and against Planned Parenthood." Blah blah blah both sides, blah.

WYSR (Syracuse's ABC Affilate): "Rally protests Congress' cut of Planned Parenthood funding." Better, but uh...
[A Planned Parenthood supporter] acknowledged that Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider...
And? And?!?

The Syracuse Post-Standard: Look, this rally was, like, three blocks from our offices. Do you expect us to walk three blocks in twenty degree weather? Fuck that. Did you hear about Melo? Lots of other men are playing basketball, too!

I get it. Two Sides! sells. And I understand how amazing it is that a past spokeswoman for Operation Rescue would, when elected to Congress, turn out to be anti-choice (about as amazing as the fact that "salt potatoes", a local favorite are potatoes cooked in salt). But seriously, there was (by Syracuse standards) a pretty decent rally, and at least half the coverage was about how "some people" disagreed with the protesters? How about the media reporting on the accuracy of Planned Parenthood's talking points. It could be whole investigative thingy, where shockingly, the media could confirm that cutting Title X funding would hurt millions of women. Now there's a story! :chomps on cigar:

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