In January, an undetonated backpack bomb was found along the parade route of a Martin Luther King Day event in Spokane, Washington. Predictably, the suspect in the attempted bombing, Kevin Harpham, is a white supremacist.
And he was so active on white supremacist websites that he was known to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups:
According to the Law Center, in 2004 Kevin Harpham posted, "I can't wait till the day I snap," on the Vanguard News Network online forums, a white supremacist site.He's been on their radar screen for years, despite not even being a significant player in organized white supremacy.
"Who was the person during WW2 that said something like (sic). Those who say you can't win a war by bombing have never tried," another posting purportedly by Harpham read, according to the Law Center.
On the Vanguard website, which advertises itself as "No Jews. Just Right," Harpham posted over 1,000 comments, according to the Law Center.
Although the posts did not carry Harpham's name directly, Law Center officials said they had come to know him by his writing, and recognized his work as it appeared on line.
"He'd been on our radar screen for some years," said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. "He wasn't a major character but we were aware of him."
...A bomb squad rendered the device inert. Officials called the situation an instance "of domestic terrorism" that could have caused "mass casualties."
But, by all means, let's keep having Congressional hearings about Muslims.
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