An Observation

If Victoria Jackson had, back in the day, done a skit on SNL in which homosexuality was a punchline*, and there had been blogs, and I had objected, people would have called me the Most Humorless Feminist in all of Nofunnington, accused me of overreacting, and admonished me that IT'S IRONIC and I just don't get the sophisticated humor of comedy geniuses like Victoria Jackson.


In totally unrelated news, Bill Maher, who I have been repeatedly assured is a staunch feminist ally, called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat" on his show last week.

Oh, and did you hear this? Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan, and she's demanding that we invade Tsunami. I mean…! She says, "These Tsunamians will not get away with this!" Oh! Speaking of dumb twats… [The audience howls and applauds, followed by some groans.] Yeah, I let the cat out of the bag on that one, huh, folks?
I guess it's "edgy" in the sense that it's not even a joke; now just nakedly calling a woman a misogynist slur is meant to be good enough to get a laugh. Cool.


* And maybe she did; I certainly don't remember/haven't seen every skit in which Victoria Jackson appeared during her tenure on the show.

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