Reason #1,456,921 I Shouldn't Be Watching American Idol

Because every time I am obliged to lay my eyes upon the super-shucks über-annoying Scotty "Babylockthemdoorsandturnthelightsdownlow" McCreery, I can't stop thinking about how he looks, sounds, and acts exactly like George W. Bush.


Every time he's on the screen, I just start writhing and screaming and barfing, because he has the same goddamned agip-gip, Amurika-Jesus-and-apple-pie, privileged arrogance masked by false I'm-just-a-country-boy humility, heh-heh demeanor as Mondo Fucko. They both even love baseball, for Maude's sake. BARF!

Seriously! Look at this bullshit!

Video Description: A kid who looks, sounds, and acts exactly like George W. Bush auditioning for American Idol.

Barfinating. He'll probably win the whole fucking thing.

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