Two Americas Newz

CNN Money:
What recession? The millionaire population jumped in the U.S. by 8% last year, fueled by the stock market recovery, according to an industry report on Wednesday.
"Last year marked the second consecutive year of increases, the group said, following a 16% surge in the millionaire population in 2009."
The group said the number of "ultra high net worth" households, with a net worth of at least $5 million, jumped 8% in 2010 to 1.06 million, compared to 980,000 the prior year.

Good news everybody! More people are rich these days!

Yes. We know. That's what we've been trying to tell you.

But this time all that money is going to trickle down for realz, right? Oh, I forgot, it already has. Recession? "What recession?" :snort:

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