Daily Dose of Cute

Imagine our delight when the local paper announced that the Farmer's Market would be opening last Saturday -- with a GOAT PARADE!

Of course, this got me out of bed bright and early. Camera in hand, I hastened to the Market to observe the Défilé de Chèvre, where I snapped this beauty:

(Upon seeing this photo whilst talking on the phone with me, 'Liss immediately insisted that this goat's name was "Minerva". I had no response to that except to LOL.)

You have now seen thirty-three percent of the goat parade.

That's right -- the entire Prozession der Ziegen was three goats (really cute, bedazzled goats, to be sure, but just the three).

Because with less than three goats, I suppose you can't really call it a "parade" -- as all true goat-fanciers know, the technical term for two goats is "a couple of goats".

You can see the other 66% of the parade, below the fold.

Ms. Prim and Proper (not her real name).

Baby Goat Zen Master

Disclaimer: Goats were petted in the making of this documentary.

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