Daily Dose of Cute

Well, after his trip to the vet yesterday, and almost a full 24 hours of sleep, Mr. Doodles is starting to feel a wee bit better.

"My eyes are hurty."

Dudley's eyes still look terrible, but they look positively splendid by comparison to how they looked yesterday. He'll go back to the vet again tomorrow, just to be sure everything's proceeding as expected and looking good.

I said this in comments earlier, but it bears repeating: I'm really lucky that Dudley's such a good dog. He was an absolute champ at the vet's yesterday: He had his temperature taken, got several sets of various drops and dyes in his eyes, took three different meds, had lights shined in his eyes by two vets, and he was perfect through the whole thing. He even wagged his wee tail at the vet when he left and came back into the exam room, as if to reassure him, "I know you're here to help me and I ain't mad."

He's taking both of his meds without complaint, and he's letting me check his eyes and administer the drops without any problem; he's even figured out that after one eye gets drops, the other one's next, and helpfully tilts his head in the other direction. All this through double conjunctivitis so severe the vet said he looked as if he'd been pepper-sprayed by the mail carrier. He's such a GOOD BOY.

"I can haz treat now, Mama?"

You bet your ass you can!

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